As I sit in my favorite chair......
behind my chair is a rack that holds extra blankets that we all like to use for those really cold nights that we experience here in Michigan. After a while, I realize that I can hear something....
my big fat furr ball of a cat, Simba. He loves to sit and lay behind me in my favorite chair. Has anyone ever heard a cat snore? Simba does! You see, sometimes blankets fall to the floor in the back of my chair and this is one of his favorite spots This one is one of my favorites because I get to hear him snore. Now by definition, it isn't a "loud" snore, but listening to a cat snore......I mean really who wouldn't want to sleep on a nice fuzzy blanket? Oh to be a cat, and lay around and not have a care in the world.....well yes I suppose there are some cares, like when is he going to be fed, and will he have enough water, and will his cat box ever be cleaned? ahhhhhh the life and trials of a house cat. But really he likes to hide back there because he thinks he is smart enough to hide from the most horrific creature in the dog!
Today we were privileged to receive a little bit more snow here in Michigan, but really we really do not have enough snow, I mean really for real... Here is my dog, the snow dog, I know it's not the best picture, but I hope you can see the snow on his face. It amazes me that he likes to dig through the snow, and get wet, but heaven forbid me give him a bath....oh the agony!
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